Electrical Engineer





Job Type

Part time

Member Type

TUD/HBO MSc/BSc Student

Minimum Hours per Week

14 hrs

Start Dates

 April, 2021

End Date

August, 2021

Preferred Language



Delft, Netherlands


  • Integrating  and designing the electrical subsystems of Zebro
  • Attending departmental meetings
  • Providing documentation
  • Board layout using Altium (Optional)
  • Testing of the boards
  • Soldering of the communications board (optional)

Required Education and Experience

  • Electronics background
  • Experience with circuit design
  • Experience in Altium is a plus
  • Experience in multidisciplinary teams is a plus

More information?

Feel free to contact us through email ([email protected]) if you have any questions. To know more about the project, you can follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn.